Wladimir Barantschikov graduated from the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg in 1983. Specialized in restoration of monumental art and icons he owned and operated an Indoor Design company for about ten years engaging in various art projects in Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. In 1995 the artist migrated to the south of Germany and since then has worked as a freelance artist exhibiting his art on multiple national as well as international art galleries. Previous (and current) exhibitions in: Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, USA, China and Taiwan.
"As I am constructing images of a dreamy-like, out of space reality, my intention is to depict the world in unusual ways. I desire to capture the psychological and mystical elements of life that are often invisible to the eyes. I play with colors and forms. I am inspired by century-old artworks and simultaneously guided by the images of our modern and fast-moving world. The interplay of all elements allows me to paint a world full of possibilities in which any person can think of their own interpretation and create their own story."
1951 Geboren in Mailuu-Suu, Kirgisistan
1968 – 1972 Abschluss an der Kunsthochschule in St. Petersburg als Diplom Restaurator (Ikonen und Gemälde)
1973 – 1975 Militärdienst
1979 – 1983 Abschluss an der Kunstakademie in St. Petersburg, Spezialisierung als Künstler für dekorative Monumentalmalerei
seit 1983 intensive Arbeit als freischaffender Künstler
1984 – 1993 Führung/Besitzer einer Indoor Design Firma (Indoor-Design, Malerei,
Mosaik), tätig gewesen in Russland, Kirgisien, Usbekistan
seit 1995 in Deutschland
Aufenthalt in Mailuu-Suu, St. Petersburg, Moskau, Aachen, Frankreich (Paris, Faubourg de Cassel), Belgien, Niederlande, Italien, Spanien, Luxemburg, Schweiz, Afrika, USA, Thailand, Malaysia
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